Crooms AoIT Alumni Community Scholarship Review Begins!

The review of the Crooms AoIT Alumni Community Scholarship applications begins today. Overall, we had a great rush of applicants and the review process is going to prove to be pretty darn strenuous, but our Scholarship Review Team has been prepped and is ready to go. The primary review should be done by the end of this weekend. If all goes according to plan, we should be selecting a recipient no later than Thursday evening and announcing the individual by Friday.

Crooms AoIT Alumni Now on First Class; More Site Updates!

Two short updates:

1. The Crooms AoIT Alumni are now on FirstClass! Along with being able to contact us through our "Contact Us" link under the About menu link, you can also e-mail us on FirstClass at . Our directory listing is CroomsAoIT Alumni.

Weekend Updates

This weekend, I will be periodically doing some updates to the Crooms AoIT Alumni website. Sadly, we have fallen a little behind on keeping Drupal and its modules up-to-date with the latest versions. Most of the updates will be largely back-end and security related, but if you notice any problems please let us know. Under the "About Us" Menu, feel free to use the the "Contact Us" link and submit a comment or complaint.

Crooms AoIT Alumni Community Scholarship Deadline Extended!

The Crooms AoIT Alumni Community Scholarship application is now due on Wednesday, May 20th by the end of the school day. You can apply for the scholarship to by downloading the application from our "Current Offerings" page. You can also find more information about the scholarship and its requirements on "Current Offerings" page or by downloading the application and checking it out for yourself.

Crooms AoIT Alumni Community Scholarship Kick-Off!

EDIT: Sorry, the Scholarship should now be accessible to visitors without user accounts as well. That being said, don't forget to create a user account so you can submit the application.


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